Thursday, November 27, 2008

~Warm Blessings to all this Day of Thanksgiving~
~I saw God wash the world last night with His sweet showers on high, and when the morning came, I saw Him hang them out to dry.
He washed each tiny blade of grass and every trembling tree; He flung his showers against the hill, and swept the billowing sea.
The white rose is cleaner white, the red rose is more red, Since God washed every fragrant face and put them all to bed.
There's not a bird, there's not a bee that wings along the way, but cleaner bird and bee than it was yesterday. I saw God wash
the world last night. Ah, would He had washed me as clean of all my dust and dirt as that
old white birch tree. ~ William L. Stidger

Sunday, November 23, 2008

~Break Time~Took a relaxing walk today in the Pine Forest. Temp today was in the high 30's..Brrrrrr ! In the forest it was even colder. I didn't leave empty handed, I picked some beautiful cones off the forest floor and will give them to the fairies to work their magic. And my being felt peaceful to walk in Gods creation. !! Here are some more goodies !!
~t.kramer 2007~

Monday, November 17, 2008

News flash from the nest.............The fairies have been hard at work . They have managed to complete several projects on the list ,which has made Mother Goose very happy. They seem to know of no time as they diligently create their wonders into the wee hours. Enjoy a browse through the wonderland. ~t.kramer~
~ Isn't life Bliss ~

Sunday, November 9, 2008

~Let it snow,let it snow, let it snow~ Travels upstate brought a surprise.........the white stuff. Thankfully it melted the next day and the sun was shining brightly. The crispness of the air and the blanket of purity was a blessing to my senses. Spending time with loved ones, was the best part. During these weeks to come, as we all are preparing for the feasts and gatherings of the holiday season........remember to seek the joy in all, be a blessing to one another and cherish every moment in time.