Thursday, November 27, 2008

~Warm Blessings to all this Day of Thanksgiving~
~I saw God wash the world last night with His sweet showers on high, and when the morning came, I saw Him hang them out to dry.
He washed each tiny blade of grass and every trembling tree; He flung his showers against the hill, and swept the billowing sea.
The white rose is cleaner white, the red rose is more red, Since God washed every fragrant face and put them all to bed.
There's not a bird, there's not a bee that wings along the way, but cleaner bird and bee than it was yesterday. I saw God wash
the world last night. Ah, would He had washed me as clean of all my dust and dirt as that
old white birch tree. ~ William L. Stidger

Sunday, November 23, 2008

~Break Time~Took a relaxing walk today in the Pine Forest. Temp today was in the high 30's..Brrrrrr ! In the forest it was even colder. I didn't leave empty handed, I picked some beautiful cones off the forest floor and will give them to the fairies to work their magic. And my being felt peaceful to walk in Gods creation. !! Here are some more goodies !!
~t.kramer 2007~

Monday, November 17, 2008

News flash from the nest.............The fairies have been hard at work . They have managed to complete several projects on the list ,which has made Mother Goose very happy. They seem to know of no time as they diligently create their wonders into the wee hours. Enjoy a browse through the wonderland. ~t.kramer~
~ Isn't life Bliss ~

Sunday, November 9, 2008

~Let it snow,let it snow, let it snow~ Travels upstate brought a surprise.........the white stuff. Thankfully it melted the next day and the sun was shining brightly. The crispness of the air and the blanket of purity was a blessing to my senses. Spending time with loved ones, was the best part. During these weeks to come, as we all are preparing for the feasts and gatherings of the holiday season........remember to seek the joy in all, be a blessing to one another and cherish every moment in time.

Monday, October 20, 2008

~The beauty of fall in upstate New York~The trip is long...........but the scenery helps make time slip by. It was early morning and the fog was laying in the valley blanketing the trees. The deer were out grazing and Gods glory was all around~~The fruits of our Labor~During my summer visit, I helped plant a "humble" garden, to my amazement the harvest was plenty.
~Autumn, the season of maturity.............Thistledown, the feathery fluff pictured below. During the summer months, the thistle flower is purple in color and fyi, it is the national flower of Scotland.

~Tuffys last day on the farm~ He is known to us by Tuffy. An awesome machine, strong and willing to work at any moment. He has labored on the farm over two decades, and he has served well. With his assistance, projects were demolished and built. Thousands of pounds of snow has he moved, and many a meadow mowed. He is now on a journey to Poland. He will be used for farming and his work load will be lighter. Today was his day of retirement...............................


~Tuffy saves the day~............and not without the last hurrah!!!! The tractor trailor that was Tuffys escort to the border, got stuck in the soft ground. Well, good ol Tuffy was chained and secured and pulled that eighteen wheeler out like it was a go cart! kodos to Tuffy!!!

~Securing Tuffy for the journey~The boys assist the driver in the securing of items on the trailor. They are so helpful and willing to assist. They are the sons.

~Ready for the journey~
~Tuffy leaves in a cloud of dust~ Fare well Tuffy........we will miss you. Good night night tractor, good night sheep, good night moon it's time to sleep.

Monday, October 6, 2008

~ Dedicating this song to you Dodger~ When I first heard this song many years ago, it brought to my mind the days of when Dodger would chase after the butterflies in the field. His energy was endless, he was fearless and his loyality was true. Time has made him older, mellow and cautious. On those rare occasions of a visit from a butterfly, my mind reflects back to the days of "the dog" and the butterfly. Thanks for your faithfulness......................

~Inspirational Weekend~ Working on some projects this weekend was rewarding. Remember to make the most out of yourself, because that is all there is of you.....R.W. Emerson

~~Pit Stop~~ Orient Point.....Well of course....The beach..... Couldn't take a day trip and pass by.We did find some mermaid tears, and enjoyed the warm sun and fresh crisp air..........

~~Harvest Time~~ The farmers are busy with the harvest, out on the north shore. Many farms dot the land out there. Some of the pumpkins were mammoth. Take that Charlie Brown. For some FYI, the winerys are in abundance too.

~photos t.kramer~ 
~Weekend day trip out to Orient Point~~
This past weekend I took my parents out to the end of the Island, the North shore. We stopped off at the "Lavender by the Bay" shop...tucked away on Main Street in Marion. As you make your way up the driveway, you are enveloped with the scent of lavender. The fields are full with bushes of the hardy plant and the vibrant color is a mesmerizing sight. The shop is filled with of course lavender,crafts fill every inch of this quaint place. Of course we did not leave empty handed, what did you think? We not only left with our purchases, but we meet the owner, which was a bonus and our spirits were calm and relaxed......................

Sunday, September 28, 2008

~Greetings and warm wishes~~ Spent part of the day at the beach and added to my collection of beach glass..... The day was peaceful and refreshing and the gulls seemed to have felt the same.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

~No better way to end the summer~ With my wonderful sons, at the beach! Absolute bliss............

Thursday, August 7, 2008

 ~t.kramer 2007~
~~Wishing all I love~ A double rainbow.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

~t.kramer 2007~
~He has made everything beautiful~ Ecc 3:11

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

~Lazy days of Summer~ Wishing you a dreamy day~

Friday, July 4, 2008

~Independence Day~ The real and lasting victories are those of peace, and not of war. R.W.Emerson

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

~Trip to up state NY~Spent last week up state visting and renovating. Never enough time in the day. The boys came home from college for a few days which was a bonus. Never enough time though.The greetings I recieved from Dodger and Bridget (furry friends) was precious, and Tippy is still purring strong. The weather was perfect and time spent was productive and rewarding. Along for a walk I came across some special treasures. Special thanks to all for a lovely time in the country. See you soon..................

Saturday, June 7, 2008

~t.kramer 2007~
~The most wasted of all days is one without laughter~e.e.cummings
~Painted Rocks~by Therese
~t.kramer 2007~
~The purpose of life is a life full of purpose~Robert Byrne
~Vintage Cards~by Therese

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

~t.kramer 2008~
~Cherish your vision and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your achievments. ~Napoleon Hill

Friday, May 30, 2008


~Old Westbury Gardens~Spent a charming day in the loveliness at Westbury House. The gardens are breathtaking, with color filling every bit of space. It was a day set aside in celebration of my birthday.  Next time though, we get a "slight" of cheesecake!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

~Hand Painted Stone Egg~ by Therese "Dreams do come true"

Saturday, May 24, 2008

~t.kramer 2007~

~New arrival~ Spring has brought in newness and wonderment!

~Graduation 2008~ What a wonderful moment in time.Congratulations Jesse!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

This coming weekend is my older son Jesse's, Graduation from The University of Potsdam, NY. His degree, Bachelor of Arts~ Biology. He was accepted in Chiropractic School, NY. Time sure has flown by way too fast. My younger son Jared, has also attended Potsdam University, studies in Math~Science. He will continue to do his internship this summer. The days of coloring books and Lego's are memories I hold dear and cherish. Congratulations Jesse and Jared in succeeding in this immense challenge. Dreams do come true! See you at the 2008 Commencement Celebration. I love you.....Mom

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day ~From My Nest To Yours~

Friday, May 9, 2008

You are forever in our hearts. Happy Birthday 05/10/04

I saw God wash the world last night, with His sweet showers on high, and then, when morning came, I saw Him hang it out to dry. He washed each blade of grass, and every trembling tree; He flung his showers against the hill, and swept the billowing sea. W.L.Stidger