Wednesday, May 14, 2008

This coming weekend is my older son Jesse's, Graduation from The University of Potsdam, NY. His degree, Bachelor of Arts~ Biology. He was accepted in Chiropractic School, NY. Time sure has flown by way too fast. My younger son Jared, has also attended Potsdam University, studies in Math~Science. He will continue to do his internship this summer. The days of coloring books and Lego's are memories I hold dear and cherish. Congratulations Jesse and Jared in succeeding in this immense challenge. Dreams do come true! See you at the 2008 Commencement Celebration. I love you.....Mom


Jann said...

Congratulations to both of your sons . . . you must be so proud of them, and of yourself, too--it is a wonderful accomplishment for you all! Warmly, Jann

Sarah said...

Welcome to the wonderful blogland!

Laura Kirste Campbell said...

Hi Therese! A joyous sunny spring day to you! I enjoyed visiting you here today, come by and visit us when you get a chance. (I share a blog with my daughter who lives thousands of miles away.) Isn't blogland great!
Creatively Yours, Laura

Maija said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. This is how I met Danielle, and she has become so dear to me!

Michele said...

Welcome to you! You are in for a treat...this corner of blogland is special and all the artists and authors are wonderful people! Congrats on all your endeavors...
Best regards,
michele :)

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

Congrats to both of your sons and welcome to blog land. I also am new to blogging and still learning on how to use the computer. Please come and visit when you get a chance.

Irma :)

Simply Organized 4 Life & Koaching by Kimberly said...

That's wonderful Therese. You must be so proud. I love your blog so far. You are doing a wonderful job.