Saturday, January 30, 2016

~Gentle Giants~
~These creatures are gentle, smart, loyal  and sensitive. They mourn the lose of other elephants and grieve. They recognize one another after years of separation and greet each other with wild boisterous joy. Their memory is sharp. They sense danger and can detect earthquakes or tsunamis. They protect one another from danger and will care for the others in their herd. When a calf is born the entire herd watches over and assists in nurturing it. They communicate over  long distances by producing a rumbling sound that travels over the ground. They have very sensitive skin and feet. If you ever observe them walking, they may look slow but they are sensing the ground beneath their feet. They will walk for miles in search of water. They can swim for long distances. Sometimes you see them intertwine their trucks as a sign of love. The list goes on. 
The elephant, among many wonderful animals on our planet are endangered.
Man has put a high price on their ivory/tusks and has made it valuable. Instead of placing value on the creature itself. Ivory, more valuable then gold!
After many years of being hunted and killed, the elephant is endangered and their population has decreased in an alarming amount. Its called pouching.
The elephant is also made to preform in circus's and theme parks. Closed in and confined into spaces that would make a human go insane. Again, like many other animals penned in a prison, and for what reason? Because man again has placed a high price on the value of  business, not on the creature that was given to us to help and assist us on this planet earth.
Isn't it time we stop being so selfish with what we think is important? Isn't it time to care for the planet and keep it healthy and clean and cherish the creatures, they were here first you know.
So take time out of your busy day, or change up your routine once in a while and think of ways to make a difference, not only in the lives of creatures, in others.
You'll be amazed at what it does for you. What do you value?~

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