Sunday, December 6, 2009

~t.kramer 2008~
~Creating Mode~I have been inspired to create again, and trust that this message will encourage you also. I have had a set back with my health, but find that small works of creativity help the spirit and body heal. There is " hope" in times when disappointments make us feel dismal and the burdens of tomorrow bring dismay. May we be diligent in the responsibilities given to us, but may we also be set free to put into existence the talent we wish to share. Focus on the needs and "dreams" of you, apply the energy within you, for you. No matter what life throws at you, you will be cheerful. Keep in mind the value of "you".
May your hope be buoyant.........pass it on.
Although I am known for,{ I assure you never enough} having too many pillows on the bed. The pic above displays my most recent creations. Hand stamped on all cotton fabric and filled with coziness. Sizes range from
7x7 ~ 13x13 ~ 10x9. ~Let me know what you think~created by Therese Kramer

1 comment:

paulette said...

Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love you